Sunday, December 03, 2006

An Honourable Concession

 Dear Mr Ignatieff

I sincerely feel, with no reservations, that you have run the gauntlet of returning to Canada and will genuinely win the hearts of many more Canadians having heard your final speech of the Leadership race. With generosity, grace and encouragement to those who supported you, you underscored the uniting of the Liberal Party. This act of leadership will be remembered.

I was a supporter of Mr. Dion after David Orchard, whom I greatly respect, asked me to consider him, I informed myself as best a possible all the candidates. I must admit I had great doubts as to the mechanics of your choice by certain parties in the Liberal organization. This and other issues were an unfortunate disadvantage to you but in the end, on that stage you conceded with honour and you have my greatest respect.

Welcome to Canada.

John Warren

Stephane Dion - Leader of the Opposition Party

The Hon. Stephane Dion: Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada

Congratulations Mr. Dion on your successful bid to become Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. I saw it as a natural unfolding to begin healing the division of the Liberals and putting Canada back on track as a Nation worthy of it's previous global respect. Congratulations also to Michael Ignatieff who was graceful and generous and emphasized the greater need to unite the Liberals. Congratulations to all the candidates who brought their passions and visions for a 'Canadian' government and not a 'New' government. I look forward to a re-claimed Liberal Party in the spirit of the dynamic new times as it is the legacy of the party to make the Canadian vision happen.

And let one thing be your first lesson, never brag that your mike can't be cut.

Cheers to all of Canada,
John Warren

CBC Cuts Off Stephane Dion's Mike

Despite CBC's talking heads describing this 2006 Liberal Leadership Convention as one of the most important and most exciting in modern political times, which it legitimately is, at least since the Trudeau nomination in 1968, and despite Stephane Dion bragging about his new status that will protect him from his mike being cut off, CBC did just that! Amounting to the biggest insult in modern political times CBC cut short Dion's acceptance speech, which is important to all Canadians, and they cut to hockey! What's more Canadian than that? Beer? Tim Horton's coffee? The “Canadian Idiot”?

CBC is the Canadian Idiot.